The TV manufacturers all offer their own variant of the 'one remote to rule them all' approach, almost all of which fail dismally, generally because they're predicated on buying all your equipment from the same manufacturer. The 'One-4-all' range - of which I've had a couple - didn't help much either: Their approach was to replicate all the functions of multiple remotes, which still required you to understand that the DVD player was plugged into HDMI2 on the amp, with an optical output to the amp on Op1 and an output to the TV on HDMI1, changing the volume required you to select the virtual amp remote rather than the virtual TV remote etc etc. Since most people don't have a clue about how the boxes are connected up, let alone the subtleties of AV delivery, the approach is almost useless.
Then I stumbled over Harmony devices, which take a completely different tack. You use Logitech's software to record the particular devices you have, answer some questions about how they're connected together and then define activities you typically want to do - Watch TV, Watch DVD, Listen to Radio etc - and how you want the remote to behave in those activites (should the Volume button control the amp or the TV, for example). It needs someone who understands AV to a reasonable extent to do the configuration but, once done, it just works. The software is a bit clunky, you may need to get some help with odder devices (although Logitech's support is superb) but it's by miles the best approach I've come across. If a babysitter can turn up and confidently manage your AV equipment after 30 seconds of explanation, you know they've got something right.
So I have two of these devices in the house:
But now I'm not so sure I care. Most of our AV consumption is watching some variant of Sky - live TV, recorded programmes, Sky Anytime. And, last night, I picked up an update to the Sky+ app on the iPad, which has introduced control of the Sky HD box from the iPad.