I set up a monitoring sensor to time the download of a 100KB picture from a Google site once every 60 seconds. This isn't a perfect measure, but there are no sensors to do the same with a file on the NAS (and no, file:// doesn't work with the sensor, before the techheads start making suggestions). Setting up a webserver on another machine just brings another bit of kit into the equation). Google's infrastructure should be pretty performant, the DSL connection is very stable - as indicators go it will do.
I also set up some sensors to ping the devices around the network - essentially a measure of whether this wirelessly connected laptop can even start a conversation with them and how long it takes them to say hello back. If the timing of the web download goes awry - well that could be Google or the ADSL. But not if the laptop suddenly can't have a sensible wireless chat with the router at the same time - that almost certainly has to be a sudden problem with the wireless transmission.
If Les had been here for most of tonight he'd probably not have seen anything - perhaps a couple of small blips, but it's been pretty good. But I'd really liked him to have been here in the run up to midnight...
This is the download of the image from the Google site, over a 2 hour period:
So I don't think I am going insane after all. Which is a relief. People with proper qualifications, Cisco and everything, please feel free to point out flaws in my thinking: It all helps and I am a total amateur in this stuff, floundering around in the wrong end of the IT pool...